Mikyla Lasher
Mikyla Lasher
Warrior Sculpt Instructor
Mikyla’s fitness journey started at a Bikram yoga studio in Boston, when she needed to find something to help her deal with the stress of law school. She immediately saw the benefit of doing yoga in the heat. Knowing her love for the gym, the studio owner told her to take this new class offered called Inferno Hot Pilates, which was basically a Pilates boot camp class. Mikyla said yeah right, abs in the heat, no way! Needless to say, the rest is history. Mikyla loved it so much, she went to teacher training, and makes it a point to incorporate the fundamentals of Pilates in any class she teaches or when training her clients. In addition to being part of the humble team, she currently is a group fitness instructor at TB12 in Boston where her fitness knowledge has expanded to include athletic and functional training. Mikyla strongly believes in the principle values of all these forms of training as they focus not only on large muscles, but the secondary muscles we often forget about. She is confident that building a strong core foundation is essential in preventing injury and making movement through our daily lives that much easier.
Mikyla is a huge Patriots fan, and spends most of her Sundays watching football, or by the beach in the summer. Since discovering her passion for health and wellness, it his her goal to use her law degree within the sports and fitness industries.
She 100% believes that “how you choose to show up, magnetizes what shows up for you.” Mikyla strives to create a fun environment, welcomes all students no matter their physical capability, and wants her students leaving class feeling challenged, yet accomplished.
You can expect high energy, emphasis on proper form and alignment, lots of pulsing, and always a good beat drop in her class!!!