Talitha Franggos
Talitha Franggos
Humble Warrior Love Leader
“Well behaved women seldom make history”
Talitha began her Yoga journey at the age of 13 when her sister brought her along to join her yoga class. She felt like her mat was a magical carpet...and the magic of her mat has been a constant in her life ever since.
Talitha is a certified ERYT 500 Yoga Alliance Certified Instructor under the education & training from Maureen Miller’s Yoga NH teacher training program. She was trained in Child & Mindfulness Yoga from Child Light Yoga In 2009. In 2018 Talitha was personally trained in Transcendental Meditation.
Talitha feels the physical benefits of yoga are just the beginning of what a dedicated Yoga practice can give you. You become and grow back into your light-filled authentic self before life told you who to be. A dedicated yoga practice will give you something far greater than just a bitchin’ bod, but a beautiful mind.
She is part spiritual warrior, part 90’s hip hop lovin’, 80’s glam rockin’, light shining human on a deep spiritual path forward. Talitha feels that champagne & kombucha, malas & diamonds, converse, and stilettos all go together perfectly on this wild ride we call life!
Talitha believes everyone should help another breathe easier and is here on this earth to light us all up!