Evelyn Hunt
Evelyn Hunt
“To inspire people, don’t show them your super powers, show them theirs”
~Alexander Den Heijer~
Evelyn began practicing Bikram yoga about 8 years ago as something that brought her
peace, and focus during difficult times; without knowing why, it was something she
always came back to. She was hesitant to try other types of yoga stepping out of her
comfort zone and was content with the structure Bikram offers, but eventually found
herself wanting to deepen her practice, and explore yoga further, to get into shape and
improve her health. She immediately fell in love with Vinyasa Flow, and Yoga Nidra.
This practice can be challenging, but also combines a deep mind-body connection,
allowing the ability to focus more on the present.
She completed her RYT200 Certification under Genevieve Hoellrich, Talitha Franggos,
and Rachel Smetana Delois with no expectations other than to learn, grow and
challenge herself. This training is where she found her voice and knew she wanted to
share the benefits of this practice with others. This opened the door, to further train,
receiving certifications in Restorative and Yoga Nidra Level 1 and 2, and Reiki 1 with
plans to complete Reiki 2.
Her focus in class is to connect mind, body and breath finding energy and balance
between strength and softness leaving students centered and inspired feeling peace,
pride, and personal accomplishment.
She is curious about the why’s in life and is passionate about making a difference.
Outside of those closest to her heart, she loves many things, including yoga pants and
cocktail dresses, reading and dancing the night away, hiking, binging Netflix and many
things in-between.